Monday, April 27, 2009


As I sit at my computer writing this blog, I cant help but think of how good God has been to us as individuals and collectively as a band. We are on the road at least once every month not to talk of local gigs we do in town and through every one of these trips God has proven His faithfulness to us. The Fellowship we share with one another is awesome and its something we all look forward to. The times of practice,prayer, crying and cuddling each other through hard times.
Meeting people is another blessing we continue to experience throughout the Scarlet thread EP tour. God has used Hundreds of people to encourage our hearts and keep us going.
Testimonies of how God has been using this music to bless people have been both exciting and humbling all at once. People giving their lives to Christ, people been encouraged and motivated with a new focus and zest for life. Its been truelly breathe taking and the most interesting thing is in our spirits we sense God saying "we just got started".
And while i'm at it i just want to encourage every one who sets eyes on this and enough time to read it that there is joy in doing what you love to do. This joy may not have monetary implications but it seems to me the best things in life are way bigger than money and all his friends.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009


I remember a heated argument i had with a classmate of mine over who the greatest superhero was. I cant remember exactly who his favorite superhero was but i remember mine vividly.
Superman was my favorite and the reason was i loved the way Clark Kent would change at the appearance of danger into Superman.
When Umar brought the idea for SuperHero i remember thinking to myself ,wow!Jesus is truly the greatest superhero of all time.
If you think about the human condition, it was truely a dangerous situation but unlike superman,Jesus was in a real life situation not a movie scene with film tricks and the situation dire. He was beaten and suffered the most cruel treatment at the hands of the people he came to save. Then he was killed, buried but on the third day rose with amazing power that stunned the forces that schemed his death. This to my mind is the greatest rescue in human history. I am so excited that everyday Jesus keeps coming to my rescue and the rescue of his children everyday.
We would really love to hear your story of how Jesus has come to your rescue as your superhero.

Monday, April 20, 2009

THE FUN JUST BEGAN:update on the tour by Terver

I have been having truck loads of fun with the rest of the guys just being in different places and meeting different people to share the message of the cross in song.
Sometimes we have to try to catch some sleep while on the road and recently i felt like more than one member of the band was beginning to catch the "Mr.fantastic syndrome" of napping when the need arises. Its been so much fun seeing people respond in worship to the mercies of God. One of the most moving times for me was at the Children's camp we recently attended. To just feel the energy of worship flow through these little ones was simply awesome. We still have a long way to go but we are glad we are well on our way. We need alot of prayers for God to keep us focused mentally, physically and spiritually. We also need wisdom as doors open up to the ministry of threadstone. We hope you enjoy some of the pictures we took while on the road.
lots of love